Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day 2

Day 2 – A photo of something you ate todayThe principal at the school I work at likes to leaves treats (usually peanut m&m's) in a bowl in the teacher lounge for all of us to snack on throughout the day. Well the other day I was walking past him in the hall and he asked me who was eating all of the m&m's. I told him I was (just jokin around of course cuz I know I wasn't eating ALL of them, just my fair share! :) Well the next day he came into our room, walked over to the table that I was working at (while I was lecturing a little boy about his attitude problem and how he needed to loose the "tude" and let me help him with his reading so he can be a better reader) and plopped a whole bowl of m&m's in front of me and without sayin a word, turned and left the room! did I ever feel like a little piggy! So today I ate LOTS of m&m's since now I don't have to walk all the way down the hall I just have to take a few steps to the other side of the room! :)

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