Wednesday, March 18, 2009


So, we are down to our last 2 1/2 weeks of preschool! I can't believe the semester has gone this fast. My life has been ALL preschool this semester and it has been great, tiring and trying but still great. I come home laughing (maybe so I don't cry some days) all the time and decided to share some of the laughs with all of you. At the bottom of our page I posted some of the recent laughs. Keep checking back and I'll try to update often because heaven knows there will be something to add everyday! :) I LOVE preschoolers! HAHAHAHAHA, kids really do say/do the darndest things.
*Note: Some of the things aren't EXACTLY how things went down (my memory's not that good) but close enough that you get the point.


Kacey said...

haha how cute! those made me laugh! I love what crazy things little kids will say!

Heather said...

HaHa. Too funny.

Anonymous said...

Those made my day. Kids are the cutest and say the cutest things; and most random. ha My favorite was the pushing one and the boy telling how he pees. hahaha