Friday, October 4, 2013

The twins!

During the middle of August we were lucky enough to have these two little cuties come and spend a few days with us!
Dad had  to work and mom had girls camp so off to Aunt Heidi and Uncle Dillon's it was.  And we had SO much fun!!  We filled our time with sidewalk chalk...
 Picnics at the park...
 Catching and playing with minnows...
 Making pizza....
 Eating ice cream cones...
 Playing at the splash park...
 Eating cotton candy....
And of course visiting and playing at Dillon's work after hours.

I'm so glad that my sister's trust me enough to let their kids come and stay and play with us :)
I was so sad when it was time for these kiddos to go home and can't wait for another sleepover!

1 comment:

Corrie said...

No wonder they cried when they had to go home! ;) looks like so much fun for everyone! ;)