Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I hate the wind.
When I was 5 I was at the Lincoln County Fair with my family when a micro-burst came thru. We were under the big top when it hit and somehow I got hit in the head with one of the poles holding the big top up. I remember 3 things about that night.
1. Sitting with my family and an EMT in our suburban after it happened.
2. The ambulances were all full so the EMT rode with us to the hospital.
3. I had to stay the night in the hospital (I had a concussion) and I wanted my own PJ's so a family friend (Jean Mace) brought me my PJ's and some hot chocolate.

So, for as long as I can remember I have hated the wind and actually get scared when it is blowing really hard and there are things that could potentially fall on me.
Well, as it turns out, I am not the only member of the family that hates/is scared of the wind.
This young man does NOT like the wind.
One evening the wind was blowing super hard and I had to leave for a Relief Society something or other. So as I was leaving I went to put Skeeter in his kennel and noticed that his dog food thing (a big garbage can) had gotten knocked over by the wind (it was almost empty). I set it back up and called for Skeeter and told him to get in his kennel. Usually he will just tromp right on over and get in with no problem.
Not this time.
He wouldn't come within 20 yards of his kennel. It took me 15 mins to get that dang dog in his kennel and I literally had to half pick him up/half drag him into it.

Now whenever the wind is blowing really hard Skeeter starts acting all weird and "clingy" and jumpy. He acts all scared, doesn't stray too far from the porch, and barks at things the wind blows around or down. He has recently discovered the side of the house that gets the least wind and on any given windy day, that is where you will find him.
Right now the wind is blowing 32 mph and and right now this is what Skeeter is doing.
Curled up in a ball on the side of the house waiting for the wind to die down.
Good luck with that Skeeter, we live in Idaho.

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