Life here in Rexburg is still going great! We are loving all the sunshine we are getting and the time we are able to spend outside when we are both home from work. This last week we were able to go home for the night and witness the graduation of my little brother! HOLY CRAP...I can't believe that he is all growed up and graduated from high school.

As for life here in Rexburg, not much going on besides working, fishing and picnics in the park... oh yeah, and even a little jet skiing with Dillon's family here and there. What a life huh?? :)
View from our fishin hole the other day (no luck this day)
Our yummy yummy watermelon in the park
Well this is my picture to represent work, strange I know, but...
So after my first few nights of work I would come home with the SOREST feet I have ever had. I figured it was because of the new shoes, the long hours on my feet, and the rush rush rush of the nights. After about 3 days I started complaining that my toe nails hurt...yes my toe nails. Well they kinda stopped hurting after a week or so and I didn't think anything of it. Well the other night I was sitting here on the couch and looked down at my toes to notice my polish chipping off and I saw the dark coloring. I ran and got polish remover and took my polish off to find this. I hope this doesn't mean they are going to fall off!!! That wouldn't be very pretty for the summer time! LOL. (Sorry it's kinda a gross picture...feet are always gross!)