Valentines Day.
I have really come to love this holiday.
Mostly because it is the perfect opportunity to tell, and show, this man how much I love him!
Sadly this is the only picture I took of our Valentines Day together.
I didn't even get a picture of the cute decorations and CD of love songs Dillon put in my car or the Mt Dew and paper heart trail he set up that led to our bedroom. (Such a cutie)
For our date this year we decided to brave the crowds and go soak at Lava Hot Springs. We left early in the afternoon in hopes of missing the Valentines Day crowd. And we did. When we got there, there were probably only about a dozen couples there spread throughout all the hot pools and we were the only ones under the age of probably 40. Haha. But, the longer we were there the more couples/families came and the younger they got.
Once we were sufficiently pruny (is that a word? it is now) we climbed out and headed home, stopping in Pocatello to grab a free pizza we 'won' from Papa John's.
Although we really didn't do much, it was a much needed, very relaxing, day spent with the man I am totally in love with!
I have really come to love this holiday.
Mostly because it is the perfect opportunity to tell, and show, this man how much I love him!

I didn't even get a picture of the cute decorations and CD of love songs Dillon put in my car or the Mt Dew and paper heart trail he set up that led to our bedroom. (Such a cutie)
For our date this year we decided to brave the crowds and go soak at Lava Hot Springs. We left early in the afternoon in hopes of missing the Valentines Day crowd. And we did. When we got there, there were probably only about a dozen couples there spread throughout all the hot pools and we were the only ones under the age of probably 40. Haha. But, the longer we were there the more couples/families came and the younger they got.
Once we were sufficiently pruny (is that a word? it is now) we climbed out and headed home, stopping in Pocatello to grab a free pizza we 'won' from Papa John's.
Although we really didn't do much, it was a much needed, very relaxing, day spent with the man I am totally in love with!