a real post, and a very long catch-up post, SORRY! Hmm...where to even start? About a month ago the Brough girls had our very first all girls weekend in Utah and let me just tell you...we had a BLAST! But, sadly, Nicole was the only Brough girl that couldn't make it since she is in Alaska for the summer, so.......
thanks to Heather, she was still with us! (the band aid is from her injury from falling off the bedside table). During our weekend together we were able to enjoy a day at the spa, 5 pedicures and one facial...
seeing "My Sister's Keeper" (buy lots and lots of tissues and GO)...
sitting on the interstate for over an hour due to an accident (don't worry, we made it fun, for everyone around us ;)...
and I could spend another 30 mins tell you about everything and I would still miss something so I'll just say we had more fun than should have been allowed!
THANK YOU sisters and mommy!

Since then Dillon and I have just been working, roasting away in the heat, and having fun together. We spent the 4th with Dillon's fam at the lake, burning, did a little working, and watched the firework show in IF with Dillon's fam and Cody and girlfriend Kirsten. Cody and Kirsten stayed the night at our apt, went to church with us and gave us someone to entertain. Thanks for coming and staying with us guys, hope you had fun, we did! :)
(Sorry no pictures, although for this post that is probably a good thing)
This last Sat Dillon and I spent the day in the sun having a blast with eachother. We started the day off bright and early fishing the South Fork. We didn't have all that much luck but still had fun. On the walk back to the car we encountered a poor little water snake that Dillon tortured to death...literally.
As we kept walking towards the car, talking, a rattlesnake decided to join the conversation as we were walking up some stairs. Luckily my superhero of a husband saved me and we escaped unbitten. The picture below is Dillon looking for the snake after we got up the stairs to safety. He wanted to kill it and take it's rattle. When he saw it (I only heard it) it was right next to me on the left, coiled and ready to strike.
Thank you honey for yelling at me to stop and move over!

After the fishing and snake adventure we headed home, grabbed our swimsuits and found an empty river to swim in. Well, mostly empty, we did have to share the water with a moose.
Oh yeah, and as you may have noticed, Dillon shaved his head...completely...BALD.
Well this is how it all started...

and thankfully quickly led to this...

and eventually this... 

So, all in all, we have just been keeping busy and havin fun! This weekend we are off camping to celebrate ONE YEAR of marriage then come home and work for a day then off to Priest Lake in Northern Idaho to soak up 5 days of SUN!