Thursday, November 12, 2009


WOW, it's been a while since i updated so i should probably give a little update. well.....dillon's work load has slowed down a little bit now that he has gotten the GRE under his belt. what a relief! now it's onto grad school application and the wait to see where it is we could be headed come summer. he only has about 5 weeks left in this semester then only ONE MORE before he graduates with his Bachelors! YAHOO! other than school and work, work, work we haven't been up to a whole lot. we celebrated Halloween by watching a few scary movies and handing out candy to only 3 sets of trick-or-treaters. we've been able to spend time hanging out with my family and getting ready to say goodbye to the little dude since he only has about 5 days until we ship him out to the MTC. (WOW cody....i think i'm really gonna miss ya!) We were able to go down to Logan and go through the temple with him and go home to SV last weekend to see him speak in church and party it up with him. (sorry no pictures this time, long story short...he have been fighting the computer monster that seems to REALLY wants to destroy our computer and the poor thing have been in and out of the doctors for over a month now and is there as we speak. if it wasn't for our good friends the Doyle's we would have been completely computerless this whole time! THANKS SO MUCH BRANDON AND DAF (and Jaylee! :) Sheesh, now that i sit down to update you all, it doesn't sound like we've been all that busy but sure feels like we have been running our butts off. The craziness that I have felt isn't gonna slow down either. This weekend I'm off to Preston for Lacie's baby shower while Dillon goes hunting... next weekend I'll be in Pocatello for a Child Conference...the next weekend is Thanksgiving weekend... then it's DECEMBER and that is always an insane month. Oh oh oh, that reminds me, we do have some BIG news!!! but it's not what all of you are thinking.
Instead we are moving. Our contract is up the end of Dec so sometime in the next 3 or so weeks we will be packing up and making the big move to St Anthony. Dillon has a great grandma that lives over there but she isn't there in the winter so we will be moving into her house until we head out to grad school...where ever that may be. SO, that's about it. I'll update when I have some time and something to actually update about......if anyone even cares enough to look at our blog anymore :)


Nield Moments said...

I care!!! I check it all the time!:D

Alexa said...

I care too! I love your blog! :)

Corrie said...

I care too! :) Glad you finally updated. Can't wait to see you tomorrow, party at Dawson's! YEAH!

Jenn said...

Heidi--What is Dillon going to grad school for? We are in Pocatello and Greg is in grad school here and we love it! Did he apply to ISU?

Kaylee and Phil said...

Heidi-Ho! I care! Since we don't keep in touch it's fun to see what's going on in your life!

Anonymous said...

I love reading your blog. That sucks your computer is sick. I'm going to have to take ours in too. UGH! Do you guys have an idea where you want to go for grad. school? Maybe you'll go to Fl. with Kacey and Greg! :)

Dafni said...

Hey kidos, I will be getting back from thanksgiving the 30th of Nov so if you need a hand or two moving I wont charge ya anything but an ice cold dew in a can. This way I can see where we are going to party it up this winter. Does she have a big screen? I think that the Jazz are going to be getting good soon so I need to watch them beat Denver. haha. let me know if I can help ya. love ya guys.

Nicole said...

Glad you updated! It looks like there are more people out there then you thought that want you to update more! :)